Honouring the darkness, hibernating within, taking care of ourselves from the inside out. We as human beings are multidimensional, holding within ourselves both the light and the dark. During the time with the shortest amount of daylight, we pay homage to the wisdom of darkness, mystery, the unknown, incubating the seeds of potential within our selves. What can you do today to honour the dark cycle? Set intention for your wintertime, creating space for rituals of self care, moving inward, connect with breath and body, quiet the mind and tend to the heart~fire. Trust the process and trust that the light returns, bit by bit as we move through the winter. Consider the importance of what the darkness, and life challenge, can teach us, and open up to your own inner light, and the light of support and community, to guide you. So, let’s celebrate the darkness and honour the mystery, the unknown, the period of incubation and hibernation that nourishes body, mind, and soul.
This holiday season, visit us at Peterborough Living Yoga, see our Holiday Schedule here, in effect December 22 – January 4.
Winter Class Schedule and Workshops!
With much love and care, we have determined our Winter Schedule of Class Offerings and Workshops! See the weekly schedule here, starting January 4, Registered Class options, as well as Upcoming Workshops and Events! Remember, that you can make your own registered series with the Studio 10 Class Series, or the Winter Wisdom Unlimited Yoga.
Winter Wisdom Unlimited Yoga!
Book Online for Massage, Facials, and more! Book online here to receive Relaxation Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Holistic Botanical Facials, and more! Take advantage of our special deal, 3 Treatments for $150 + HST