Embodied Wisdom

200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

Embodied Wisdom Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is co-directed by Ally Boothroyd and Tiina Kivinen of the School of Living Yoga. Ally & Tiina are so excited to bring their world class teacher training program online.  With hundreds of graduates who rave about the life-changing effects of this program. It only makes sense to make it accessible to our international students over this live, online, in-depth, lifetime access, 9 month journey into the depths of Yoga's wisdom and transformative teachings. Next training starts September 2023!



Combined Hours Of Directing Trainings


Combined Hours Of Guiding Yoga, Meditation And Nidra


And Counting Graduates From Our Programs

Who Is This Program For?
Yoga Teachers
Yoga Teacher's or Meditation Teachers who are looking to enhance their skills and understanding of the deeper, holistic view of yogic teachings from the Yamas & Niyamas to the subtle body, to guiding meditation and methods for developing awareness and bring those skills and knowledge to their clients.
Yoga Students
Yoga Student's who are wanting to dive deeper into their own practice and learn life-changing philosophies, tools & practices for their own journey of life. Those who want a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship to the others and the world around them. We love having students dive deep with us.
It's no secret that those who are guiding young ones have the most important role on the planet. Teachers who want to gain the skills to teach meditation, tools for regulating the nervous system, the art of relaxation, and how to self-regulate through yogic tools are welcome into our trainings always.
Those who work in the mental health, physical health or holistic health professions love taking our trainings. From social workers to physicians to life coaches to psychologists & psychotherapists to physiotherapists to body workers, we have no shortage of humans who feels called to serve others in our training communities.
About Your Guides
Ally Boothroyd
Co-Director of the School of Living Yoga

Ally is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for Yoga Nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. Over the past decade, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people to calm, balance and restore their nervous systems through her yoga teacher trainings, retreats, workshops and recordings on Youtube. Ally is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, healing and wellbeing by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of yogic traditions. She brings an openhearted, inclusive view to her teachings, which are a rich blend of Kripalu Yoga along with Classical Hatha Tantra, Yoga Psychology, Amrita Living Yoga and a variety of styles of Yoga Nidra including Integrative Restoration.

Ally's path has been one of healing from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and insomnia through the ancient science of yoga, particularly Yoga Nidra & Restorative Yoga. She brings in the wisdom from ancient traditions and the most recent scientific studies to her trainings. There is nothing she would rather do than share these precious tools with the world through empowering others to skillfully bring these effortless & powerful practices to their students, clients & loved ones. Ally has been a faculty member of a variety of teacher trainings over the years and is the co-director to the School of Living Yoga (200 & 300 Hour Trainings) and the creator of Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training & Moon To Moon Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. She's apprenticed in trainings with a variety of Faculty of the Kripalu Centre for Yoga & Ayurveda as well as Ashley Turner of Yoga Psychology.

Ally has been working alongside Tiina directing trainings for an entire decade and facilitating online trainings together since the beginning of the global pandemic. They have both been awakened to how profound and deep online trainings can be.

Tiina Kivinen

Co-Director of the School of Living Yoga

Tiina is a yoga educator and teacher trainer who is inspired by the incredible gifts that the yoga tradition brings to everyday life. With reverence for the teachings and respect for culture, Tiina advocates for the possibilities of healing and transformation that are available to all. She brings a depth of wisdom, compassion and creativity to teaching, and is particularly excited by empowerment-based approaches to mentoring and training teachers. She is passionate about the power of conscious relaxation and brings this passion to her work in the yoga field and also as a Counselling Hypnotherapist.

Tiina is the founder and co-director of the School for Living Yoga with Ally Boothroyd, who together guide 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, Moon To Moon Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training among other classes, workshops and retreats. Tiina has thousands of hours of training in diverse Yoga approaches, including Kripalu Yoga, Let Your Yoga Dance, Meditation and Pranayama, Ayurveda, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Nidra and more, and has served as faculty for trainings at Kripalu Yoga Centre and Nosara Yoga Institute.

Tiina is currently pursuing a Masters in Counselling Psychology, and can often be found roaming the lands of her off-grid farm community in Ontario with her dogs. Tiina has been teaching Yoga since 2002. Together, Ally & Tiina powerfully embody the path of the teacher to serve with love. Their styles of teaching compliment each other in the most beautiful and powerful way. Together, they truly facilitate an environment of transformation and deep healing.


How This Training Works


Live Sessions on Zoom with our training staff and entire group (sangha) once a month over 9 months with optional bi-weekly Zoom calls for practicing with your partner. These sessions are for connecting and mentoring. The group sessions are recorded for people in difference time zones.


Weekly live Sadhanas (practices) with our skillful training staff as we move through the chakras month by month as well as many pre-recorded practices and meditations to support your journey. All Sadhanas will be recorded and uploaded to the online classroom with life-time access.


Lifetime access to our go-at-your-own pace classroom with all video lessons and training materials including manual, journaling prompts, sadhanas, homework assignments, asana clinics, meditations, demonstrations, and Yoga Nidras.


Weekly partner work to put what you are learning into practice. These mini "practice teaches" are important for gaining confidence and skill holding space and guiding others. Peer and self-mentoring in your process of learning to guide.

Real Reflections

Embodied Wisdom YTT was a life changing experience. It not only teaches you so much about becoming a teacher, but the growth as an individual is immense. It was an experience that will impact the rest of my life and the learnings both as a yoga teacher and person are invaluable. The teachers were amazing, helpful, wise and always encouraging. The sangha that developed with this group was incredible and developed friendships that will likely last a lifetime. The YTT manual was well planned and the curriculum every weekend was well thought out and it is evident how much time and effort the teaching team puts into planning these days for us. The training was organized, efficient and every task and exercise we did was valuable and carefully planned. The teachers were professional yet empathetic and kind. I always looked forward to each weekend at YTT, getting so much personally from each chakra weekend and the learnings offered. This has truly been the most amazing/wonderful experience of my adult life! - Laura Young

Real Reflections Of The Training

I find it hard to put into the words the best way to describe my experience. I guess if I had to give a short answer I would say 'life changing'. This teaching taught me so much, not just about what yoga is, but about myself and especially about others. This course opened my eyes to a new light and I am able to witness life through a different lens. It has also awakened a part of me that had been asleep for a while. I have been thinking back to when I was a child. People would say 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' I would answer "I am not sure, but I know I want to help people". I know now that this is the way I am going to help people!
Amanda Reed
The experience was life-changing for me. Working with such an inspiring group of people was amazing. One of the biggest challenges for me was working through my fear of not being “good enough”. The positive reinforcement we received helped me to believe in myself. The program was more involved and more challenging than I expected and this, again, was good for me and allowed me no room for complacency. The faculty was highly skilled and varied. Although I am only beginning my journey as a yoga teacher, I am amazed at how prepared I feel to develop my teaching skills compared to how I felt at the beginning.

Julie Cullen

It was the most beautiful experience, with wonderful luminous teachers, and classmates, all feeling connected and safe, a wonderful place to grow into my own skin after so many years of not being my authentic self. It's almost indescribable. I would recommend that if you can do this, do it for yourself. You won't believe what you'll learn about yourself, or the friends you'll meet. I can not express how much this YTT has meant to me. I feel in better control of my life, and it changed me in a way I never expected. I feel Tiina and Ally are changing the world - one yoga teacher at a time. When Ally spoke of us being lit lamps - truer words were never spoken - we are all going out into the world and changing lives and perceptions with this fully lit lamp - filled with love, kindness and compassion.
Kathy Lewis

Information Package

We have this wonderful information package for you that details exactly what you will learn inside of this training, all of the FAQ's, Tuition &  Partial Scholarships

Download the Information Package