Embodied Wisdom Online 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training

Tiina KivinenBlog

Embodied Wisdom 200 hr ONLINE Yoga Teacher Training is Yoga Alliance approved and adapted from our decade of experience teaching transformational 200 hr Yoga Teacher Trainings and our past two years of discovering best practices for online yoga teacher education. It has been so amazing to experience the depth that is possible online with students from around the world!

This training includes everything you need to know in order to skillfully lead authentic and unique Yoga classes that are true to YOU and to the roots of Yoga. You will become confident at leading and delivering this inspired practice that creates benefits to all of the different layers of the self. Supporting each human experience from helping keep our physical bodies healthy to creating emotional resiliency, mental health and regulating the nervous system, to fostering a connection to all of life and that mysterious intelligence that creates live itself. This online training will teach you everything you need to learn to teach others empowering and inspiring yoga classes that come from your heart. You will be guided towards a philosophy of ongoing self-inquiry that empowers your unique gifts and supports your well-being, whether you choose to teach or not. For those that choose to teach, this training is highly focused on developing your own practice so that you can teach through transmission and true wisdom. Deepen your own practice and understanding of this ancient science that brings clarity, peace, resilience, fulfillment and purpose.

It is our belief that transformed people transform this world and that Yoga is a way to spread the tools necessary to create healing, peace and a brighter future for our planet. This is what the Embodied Wisdom Teacher Training was born from, this calling of the heart to serve the planet in this way that seems so needed at this time.

Do you feel the call to dive in to this training with us? Sign up here for updates and to download our information package, or reply to this email with any questions!

With excitement,

Words cannot truly express the wealth of knowledge, expertise, and loving-kindness of this group of beautiful humans and teachers! I am in awe of them and the positive effect they have on their participants. Look no further if you are serious about becoming a bonafide yoga teacher, graduating the course with the best of curriculum, delivery, encouragement, constant support, modeling, rapport, and authenticity. ~ Karin D

I expected to come out of this training with the knowledge and experience to start me on my journey as a yoga teacher. What I did not anticipate was the lifechanging transformation I would get through while taking this class. Yoga is so much more than postures and while we did learn the physical aspects of yoga, it was the emotional and spiritual journey that touched me the most..~ Marie G