Beautiful Nourishment: Ayurveda and Aromatherapy Mini Retreat
Late Winter/ Early Spring Kapha Balancing
with Tiina Kivinen and Angella Windrem
Date and Time: Saturday, March 30, 10 am – 4pm
Price: $90 + HST (includes lunch)
Join Tiina and Angella for a one day mini retreat to bring balance and nourishment to your body, mind and spirit. This retreat is part of our Ayurveda and Aromatherapy seasonal series.
According to Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga, the Spring season is governed by Kapha, the constitution of Earth and Water. During Kapha season, we benefit from finding inspiration and motivation to practice, using the lighter qualities of fire and air to help balance the heaviness of Kapha. At this time of year, as we come out of hibernation and start to see signs of Spring, we cultivate balance by adding warmth and vigour to our systems, to awaken in mind, body and spirit. When Kapha is out of balance, (and this can be for anyone, of any constitution, during Kapha season!), we may feel unmotivated, sluggish, and heavy. This mini retreat will draw upon the invigorating and warming qualities of fire and air, through Yoga practice, breathwork and meditation, aromatherapy, food, and self care practices. The day will energize and inspire, bringing forth your own inner life energy.
The day will unfold like this….
10am: Kapha Balancing Yoga Sadhana: Nourishing the body and mind with a gentle/ moderate yoga practice that brings warmth, lightness, and invigorating energy. All levels. Enhanced with Aromatherapy/ plant medicine.
12pm: Nourishing Lunch: We provide a lovely light lunch that is Kapha balancing and vegan.
12:30pm: We will spend the afternoon making beautiful self care packages, made especially for balancing Kapha. We will use quality essential oils and ingredients to craft invigorating and inspiring aromatherapy Abhyanga oil (self massage oil), bath salts, and a herbal tea blend.
2:30pm: Aromatherapy Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra
We will end by 4pm, after a closing circle.
*All are welcome to register, although be aware that we will be using essential oils throughout the day, so this is not recommended for anyone with sensitivity or allergy to essential oils.
*Tiina and Angella are both experienced Yoga Teachers, and Tiina has completed Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training, while Angella is completing Aromatherapy certification.
Chakra Bliss Aromatherapy Restorative Yoga
with Tiina Kivinen and Angella Windrem
Dates and Time: Fridays, March 15, May 31, and June 14, 2019, 7 – 9pm
Price: $25 + HST

Join Tiina and Angella for a restorative style yoga class integrating a journey through the Chakras (energy centres in the physical/emotional/ energetic body), using aromatherapy essential oils to deepen and enhance the exploration. We carefully choose yoga postures and essential oils that correspond with each Chakra to carry you through a journey of self inquiry, deep rest, and healing. Essential oils have the potential to deepen your focus and enhance your awareness through the yoga experience, with the added benefit of the healing qualities of each aroma. No experience is needed, all are welcome, unless you have a sensitivity or allergy to essential oils.