See our cancellation policy here.
Yin Song with Chris Mapstone and Iselin

Combining Voice, Yidaki (didgeridoo), Percussion, Guitar and Flutes, Mapstone weaves an uplifting and enchanting sound. The lyrics and music are transformational; connecting the body and spirit in a multi dimensional sonic journey of the heart; for the heart and from the heart.
She works intimately with the medicine of cacao through ritual and ceremony, and as a tool for deepening the mind/body/spirit connection.
Heart of Practice Spring Mini Retreat
Date TBA
with Tiina, Fraser, and Dana
Every time we gather for our Heart of Practice overnight retreat, there is such a great energy and we feel so uplifted and rejuvenated. Retreats can offer an amazing reset – a chance to reflect, open the body and heart, relax the mind and rejuvenate our focus so we can return to life with fresh perspective and clarity. Join Tiina Kivinen and Fraser Macdonald for this one-day mini-retreat at Peterborough Living Yoga, with Dana Salahub offering her angelic voice for live music and kirtan.
In this Heart of Practice mini-retreat, you will experience:
*Deeply relaxing and enlivening Yoga classes for all body types.
*Energizing and joyful Kirtan (group chanting)
*Qi Gong session specifically tailored to sustain us through the winter season, calling upon traditional chinese medicine to find optimally health in connection with the seasons.
*Caring, fun, and heart-centred community connection.
*Chakra chanting for activating and aligning central energy centres
Tentative Schedule
10:30 am (Arrival, Tea, and Community Connection time)
11:00 am Opening Circle intention setting, Kirtan
12:00 pm Breathwork Meditation and Gentle Yoga with Tiina
1:30 pm Lunch (a simple, nourishing lunch will be provided)
2:30 pm Kirtan for Activation of Chakras
3:00 – 4:00 pm Qi Gong for optimal health in the winter season
4:00 pm Tea Break
4:20pm – 5:15pm Restorative Yoga
5:20 – 6:00 pm Closing Circle and Kirtan
Tiina Kivinen
Tiina has over 18 years of experience guiding yoga experiences, retreats, and trainings. She has a specialization in a variety of yogic modalities. See her full bio and training here.
It is one of her passions in life to come together with others, in the spirit of Yoga, self-inquiry, healing, and connection. Tiina loves curating retreat experiences that deepen our experience of Yoga in transformational ways, cultivating practices and ways of being that support thriving in life. Holding space alongside Fraser is a dream come true, as he is a truly wonderful friend and teacher!
Fraser Rishi Mcdonald
Fraser Rishi grew up in Toronto, Canada, working for many years as a youth worker, writer/performing artist, and teacher.
He has sat with people from all walks of life and witnessed a transformational power enliven these encounters. Inspired by the joy inherent in helping others discover their true nature and curious to deepen his own discovery, he has studied with masters in Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga, Self-inquiry, and Tai Chi/Qi Gong traditions. This brought him to the feet of his beloved teacher, Sri Mooji, from whom he received the name Rishi. These practices have helped him heal from two serious accidents, manage chronic pain, and most importantly, they have revealed a space of profound peace within his own heart.
He also offers Bio-Dynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, which can be profoundly helpful for relaxing and nourishing the nervous system, as well as bringing health to the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. In addition to being an Ontario certified teacher and award winning writer and performance artist, he has completed a mindfulness certification with University of Toronto, 180 hour AYT, 200 hour RYT.
Dana Salahub
Long before Dana discovered spiritual music, listening to music felt like a spiritual experience. Beautiful songs compelled her to clear her mind, open her heart, and tune in to the deepest level of her being. At a young age, she discovered a presence in music that inspired her to be as present as possible with each subtlety of sound and nuance of feeling. Then, almost a decade ago, she started singing Kirtan. Soon she realized: There is some power in the mantras that can’t be defined, and when that power is mixed with music, it brings everything to silence and enlivens the heart. Now that same intimacy and presence she experienced while listening to music in solitude are felt in community, in Kirtan, singing with others, and this is a beautiful thing.
Recorded Online Courses
Restoring Balance: 6 Week Meditation Series
with Tiina Kivinen
This 6 week meditation course is open to all levels of practitioners, from absolute beginners to more seasoned meditators. Each video offers techniques to support mindfulness, relaxation, and presence, with compassionate and user friendly guidance. All you need is an internet connection, and some uninterrupted time and space to tune in. Best listened to through headphones if possible. Register by October 31 for discount. Start anytime!
As we navigate the changes and challenges in the word and in our lives, meditation provides an opportunity to integrate lessons and rejuvenate a tired mind and overstimulated nervous system. When we slow down in body and in mind, we can access inner peace, spaciousness, and freedom.
*Tiina Kivinen is a Yoga guide and relaxation artist. She is the director of Peterborough Living Yoga and teaches Yoga Teacher Trainings, workshops and retreats in Ontario Canada and Costa Rica. She has been teaching and exploring many diverse approaches and styles of yoga for the past 16 years, and is currently inspired by the power of relaxation practices in restoring balance and regulating the nervous system, specializing in empowering and inspiring Yoga for all levels, Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep), and Hypnotherapy.
Yoga for Resilience; 5 Elements ONLINE Course
with Tiina Kivinen
Regular anytime, $90 + HST
5 weeks, 5 Online Yoga�Class videos, 5 Recorded Meditations or Yoga Nidras, plus extra content for self inquiry and resilience.
This online course is intended to support you during this time of stress and uncertainty, with the Covid 19 Pandemic. We are all facing changes and challenges, and this can be difficult to navigate. Yoga and meditation offer support for the mind, body, and nervous system during times of stress. Techniques and practices from the yoga tradition can be integrated into your day to day, to support wellness for all levels of your being (mind, body, emotions, spirit). As well, as the world is changing, we have the potential to catalyze healthy changes in our inner and outer worlds. We are being called upon to source inner resilience, which is a natural part of who we are.
We, and our planet, are made up of the 5 Elements, and each element has much to teach us about our natural resilience. This course will consist of 5 weeks of online Yoga Practices (gentle to moderate, all levels), which includes postures, meditation, relaxation and breath connection, as well as an online guided Meditation or Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep relaxation meditation), as well as other tips and practices for self inquiry and resilience. The 5 Elements provide the map for this inquiry. The online format allows you to practice at home and create new routines and rhythms. You can start this course anytime.
Earth – Ground and Stabilize
Water – Flow and Adapt
Fire – Transform and Regenerate
Air – Expand and Open
Spirit – Trust and Surrender