A time to honour Mothers; our own mothers, ourselves as mothers, fathers who are also mothers, and those who mother in less conventional ways as well. This is also an opportunity to celebrate Mother Earth and the incredible power, grace, and humility that motherhood inspires. And it’s a time to reflect on all of our capacity for nourishing and being nourished. For some of us, Mother’s Day can be layered with complicated feelings: perhaps having a difficult childhood, or having an estranged mother, or a mom who has passed away, or being a mom who has experienced loss. These can all make Mother’s Day laced with emotions and feelings that aren’t represented or acknowledged by the ‘Hallmark’ holiday. This letter is for everyone, in all of your simplicity or complexity, a bow to you and your story, and a bow to the divine mother, the mother of us all. Here is some of my own story in the spirit of Mother’s Day.
I was very blessed to be raised by an amazing mother and father, in the wilds of North Western Ontario, off grid in a cabin that my great grandmother built at the turn of the century. I come from a long line of Finnish people. We took a lot of saunas, as Finnish people tend to do, and enjoyed a simple and natural lifestyle. Those who know me now can see that I have been influenced by this, to say the least. I am very grateful for the gift of simplicity, a humble heart, and connection with nature that I was given by my parents! I am also blessed to have spent 31 years of my life with a Mom who I admired endlessly for her gentle strength, her compassion and commitment to her values and care of others. My mom passed away in 2014, with my sisters and dad by her side. I miss her a lot, and Mother’s Day can be a difficult day for me, as I know it is for many who have experienced loss of a mom. On many of those landmark days, such as Mother’s Day, hers or my birthday, or the anniversary of her death, I try to cook something that she used to make, light a candle and have some moments of remembering. I find solace and support in simple rituals.
How does all of this relate to Yoga? Well, my Mother was my very first Yoga teacher. She taught me how to breathe to calm myself down, she guided me through visualizations when I couldn’t sleep, and she offered me a tangible and direct experience of Love. Through her death and beyond, I am gifted with the opportunity to practice the ultimate Yoga “Ishvar Pranidhana’; the surrender to spirit, to life’s mysteries, to let go of control, and open up to what is. ~Thank you Mom.
News and Sales…
To honour Mothers in the spirit of Mother’s Day, we have decided at Peterborough Living Yoga to have a Sale. Hopefully, this will open the door for you, or your mom, to enjoy nourishing Yoga classes or Relaxation Massages/Botanical Facials. For this week, until Mother’s Day on May 14, you can purchase our 10 Class Series, or 3 Spa Package, for 10 % off! Buy online, or come visit us in the studio using cash or cheque. We also have gift certificates, contact us for more information! These sales are for EVERYONE, but they will make an excellent Mother’s Day GIFT!
Our Spring Weekly Class Schedule is underway, and you can join in, anytime! Also check out our diverse Upcoming Workshops and Events, as well as Registered Class Series. Remember, you can set your own rhythm for weekly classes with our Studio 10 Class Series and Unlimited Yoga options, and Dropping in is always an option with the weekly schedule!