OM for the Holidays

Tiina KivinenBlog

Join us for a wellness and craft inspired holiday market, with all kinds of lovely local artisans and makers.  Each year, we also offer special sales and discount offerings on our Yoga classes, holistic treatments and special events. Come to browse the goods, and stay for the friendship, community, tea and snacks. We look forward to celebrating with you! Vendors …

OM For The Holidays – Saturday December 14!

Tiina KivinenBlog

Our annual OM for the Holidays, Market and Open House, will be Saturday, December 14, 12 – 4pm! Kirtan to follow, just after the market ends! Join us for a wellness and craft inspired holiday market, with all kinds of lovely local artisans and makers.  Each year, we also offer special sales and discount offerings on our Yoga classes, holistic …

Be Grateful.

Tiina KivinenBlog

Happy Thanksgiving! We have NO Classes on Monday, while we take a pause and give thanks for the season. All other classes are running on our Weekly Schedule.

Fall Schedule begins September 22, but you can join us anytime!

Tiina KivinenBlog

Our Fall Weekly Class Schedule comes into effect on September 22, but you are welcome to begin or continue your Yoga practice with us anytime! You can see the Summer and Fall Schedules here. We offer 10 Class Series (any 10 classes in 3 months), 2 or 3 Month Unlimited, or we offer a couple of our classes as a …

Tiina KivinenBlog

Heart of Practice Retreat with Tiina Kivinen, Fraser Mcdonald, and friends Lotus Heart Retreat Centre, Brighton ON (less than an hour from Peterborough, accessible to Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto) Date and Time: Friday, September 13 – Sunday, September 15 (Check in 4pm or after on Friday, Check out 2pm Sunday) Join us on the September Full Moon, for a weekend immersion …

Summer Schedule is Underway!

Tiina KivinenBlog

Here is the Summer Schedule, *Friday 10 am Hatha Yoga, starts July 12.

Summer Time Lovin….

Tiina KivinenBlog

More of our Summer Yoga Offerings will be announced soon! So far, take a look at our Registered Series and Workshop and Events page to see what is on the horizon! We still have a few more workshops this Spring for you to enjoy… any season is a good season for Yoga! Endless Summer Unlimited Yoga! Commit to your self …

Join us for our Spring Workshops and Classes!

Tiina KivinenBlog

This Spring, you are invited to join us for Weekly Classes, and our inspiring line up of Workshops and Events! Some highlights that we are looking forward to this month…. Yoga for Relaxation with Hot Stones with Heather Reed, Yoga Teacher and RMT Rest, rejuvenate and restore. You will be guided into comfortable restorative postures cultivating a deep state of …

Tiina KivinenBlog

Nosara Re Enchantment Yoga Retreat was amazing!We are feeling such gratitude for this past week in Nosara, Costa Rica! We gathered together for a week of Yoga in the beautiful Blue Zone of Guanacaste, in the surf and yoga infused town of Nosara. Ally and I are incredible thankful for this experience, honoured to hold space together for the inquiry …