Full Moon Gratitude Temple Date and Time: Friday, October 6, 7-8:30pm Price: $20+ HST preregister $25 + HST at the door if there is space Temple Yoga is a synergy of the many offerings that our PLY community specializes in. Amplified by the energy of a full Moon, and anchored in the practice of gratitude, this class will incorporate live mantra …
Save the Date!
Heart of Practice Yoga Retreat with Tiina Kivinen, Fraser Mcdonald and friends of Peterborough Living Yoga *We are currently planning the retreat co facilitated by Tiina and Fraser, and in the event that Fraser stays in retreat a little longer in Portugal, we will have Tiina as primary facilitator, with friends. We will update as soon as it is confirmed. …
Chakras are energy centres that may manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and socially/ in relationship. The yoga tradition is seeped in mystical wisdom and teachings that point to a mysterious quality of energy, life force, and being, an essential oneness and presence that is available and within all of us. Chakras are a sort of road map of self awareness …
Aparigraha…is one of the yamas which make up the first limb of the 8 Limbs of Yoga. The 8 Limbs of Yoga are found in the Yoga Sutras, a set of teachings that were compiled by Sage Patanjali prior to 400 CE. Aparigraha has been on my mind, and in my practice lately. Aparigraha is the practice of non attachment, …
200 hr Yoga Teacher Training
Early Bird Rate for our Fall Yoga Teacher Training in Peterborough ON ends July 15th! More info and apply here https://living.yoga/yoga-teacher-training/
Canada Day Long Weekend!
Have an amazing long weekend everyone! We have NO classes on Monday July 3, however we are offering Sunday July 2, 7:30pm Gentle Restorative Class! Hope to see you then!
Happy Summer Solstice For me, this time of year is some of the most magical. Blooming flowers, longer days, fireflies, swims, berries, and the promise of the months of summer that are ahead. Today I am reflecting on the blessings that surround us. Life brings inevitable challenge, stress, and moments of unease… and yet there is so much wonder and …
Endless Summer Yoga is here!
Only $150 + HST for 2 Months of Unlimited Summer Yoga, and $200 + HST for 3 Months! This is an epic deal, and a perfect opportunity for you to commit to your well being, take in many nourishing classes this Summer! Register Here, or visit us for class at 394 George St. N to sign up! Does about one …
Peterborough Yoga Festival Saturday June 17th!
It’s happening again, a magical day full of yoga, meditation, chanting, family fun, and yogi market! The Peterborough Yoga Festival! Community grows and thrives when we gather in the spirit of yoga this summer solstice! Peterborough Living Yoga will be represented in the Yogi Market, come by and take advantage of sales that we will have this day only, enjoy …