Fall Schedule Starts Sept 8!

Tiina KivinenBlog

Check out the weekly Yoga and Meditation schedule featuring a diversity of styles, teachers and times, something for everyone! Commit to your practice with a 10 Class Pass, or Drop In anytime!

Yoga is Meditation, Meditation is Yoga….

Tiina KivinenBlog

Happy July! While on my travels, I passed by this glorious waterfall… and here are some thoughts inspired by the present moment quality of nature… Yoga is moment to moment awareness. This moment here and now is all that we have. Are you fully in it, in all its depth and simple complexity? The mind is powerful; what we think …

The Heart of Practice: Yoga Retreat for Self Care and Inspiration… and more…

Tiina KivinenBlog

September 11 – 13 2015 at the Lotus Heart Retreat Centre in Brighton, ON. Register Here Join Tiina and friends for a weekend Yoga Retreat at a beautiful and intentional yoga retreat centre. The weekend will include: 2 nights stay in a lovely B&B Delicious and nourishing vegetarian meals Inspired Yoga and meditation classes and workshops for deepening your practice, …

Join us at the Peterborough Yoga Festival at 3:15pm!

Tiina KivinenBlog

Have you heard the word? This Summer Solstice, Peterborough will be hosting it’s first Yoga Festival, at Del Crary Park. It will be a day full of Yoga classes, workshops, Yogi Market, Healing Garden, fun for kids, and more….. Myself, Tiina, along with beloved friends and musicians Sasha, Carsten, Chantal, and Mark will be offering Mantra Magic, a Live Music …

Equinox Newsletter

Tiina KivinenBlog

Community as the new Guru I’ve heard this mentioned throughout the years, that the new Guru is community. Or, as Thich Nhat Hanh put it, the new Buddha is a community, not a person. In sanskrit, Gu = Darkness, Ru = Light, Guru, also often the word used to refer to a beloved teacher or master, also refers to the …

Healing the nervous system with Yoga

Tiina KivinenBlog

Here is an article that I wrote about yoga for the Greenzine, published in Peterborough, Ontario: Shoulders are tight and slouched, mind is frazzled and nervous system is on the fritz. Day to day life makes us stressed, whether its challenges in the workplace, at home, in relationship, with health, or just the daily grind of a fast paced culture …

Reflections on Taking a Retreat

Tiina KivinenBlog

Right now I am living in the jungle at my winter home, The Enchanted Forest in Guiones, Costa Rica. I spend my days teaching at The Nosara Yoga Institute and Harmony Healing Centre, taking classes, walking the beach, floating and swimming in tide pools and waves, watching the sun set over the ocean, and lounging around in a hammock. I …

Embodied Spiritual Beings!

Tiina KivinenBlog

In the inquiry of the body. Why do you practice yoga postures? Why do we, as a culture, deeply benefit (or not benefit) from asana practice…. The whole system of yoga is made of many dimensions, they are synthesized in a text called the Yoga Sutras, and described as 8 Limbs of Yoga. Asana is one of the limbs and …

Big News, and the tricky thing about New Years Resolutions

Tiina KivinenBlog

Happy New Year and happy new beginnings! I hope you had wonderful holidays with family and friends! As you may know, I am now in Costa Rica until the spring, and I am happily spreading the word about my friend Natalie teaching a few of my regular scheduled classes in Peterborough while I am away. For more information see my …